ASUS F555LA-AB31 Model. Before doing anything, we recommend to download this tool on your hard disk (download it to a known location..documents for example).


Now, go to folder where you have downloaded the fixing software from above and extract downloaded archive with this or with what you have on your windows.

After the extract is completed, enter in folder and run excutable file.

Now select these from software window:

1. Select C: partition (is very important)

2. Choose Thorough

3. Tick on Correct Errors and then Check Disk

Notebook: ASUS F555LA-AB31

Attention! Now, relax or go outside ..whatever because if your hard driver is damaged, this operation can take few hours.

See more downloads

Tags: ASUS F555LA-AB31 slow start up, takes too much starting up, boot windows, slow booting, slow loading, ASUS F555LA-AB31 boot issue, ASUS F555LA-AB31 starting problems, ASUS F555LA-AB31 is very slow machine, everything is loading slow, fix slowing errors, is hard to boot, start up issue

ASUS F555LA-AB31 have strange noises and is taking for ever to starting up windows

Written on 2018-08-15 by author: Mihai Bendeac ASUS F555LA-AB31